Sustainable Touring - a conversation

This keynote talk by speaker Heleen de Boever (Aurora Nova Agency) and moderator Marina Rieger (Federal Association of Contemporary Circus) is intended to be an interactive introductory format for a discussion of sustainable transformation of tour planning, productions and events. Headed by Heleen de Bouver, Aurora Nova will start a research project in 2021 on the topic of Sustainable Touring with the aim of reliably measuring and reducing the environmental impacts of tours, especially in the German market. This talk is an invitation to discuss the difficulties currently facing circus troupes and touring companies in making their practice more environmentally friendly.

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Heleen de Boever


Heleen De Boeverarrived at Aurora Nova in Berlin in 2016 via Belgium and Scotland. She concentrates on international bookings for medium and large-sized theatre companies and represents the agency at conferences and cultural trade fairs around the world. As a researcher, she heads the Aurora Nova project Sustainable Touring.

Marina Rieger


Marina Rieger is a freelance cultural creative and student who is involved with cultural and political networking and regional representation of interests in Berlin for the Federal Association of Contemporary Circus. In the Circostrada network she is in regular contact with international actors in the circus scene.