Misleading offers for listings to be published and approaches from other companies

Exhibitors unfortunately often receive misleading offers for listings to be published in so-called trade fair and exhibition directories. Exhibitors also often receive misleading phone calls or correspondence from supposed  partner companies claiming to be part of our team and wanting to help with hotel reservations, logistics or the like. Known companies and online directories are:

exhibitors NETWORK, art-living.info, Expo Guide, International Fairs Di- rectory, Handwerk-Markt.com, Handcraftmarket.com and Construct Data Publisher. 

FWTM GmbH & Co. KG expressly states that it has no connection with these companies. We explicitly dissociate ourselves from the business practices of these companies. Most of them are unauthorised publishers who finance themselves with fee-based listings in various directories. Often, however, the impression is given that the offer is free of charge. The amount and duration of the financial obligation is only stated in the fine print of the terms and conditions and often comes as an unpleasant surprise.

Just ask us if you have been contacted by companies and are unsure.
