Dominik Hoyer Band - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 93

“Nachtblau” (trans.: Night Blue) already makes it clear with its title that the music on this album stands for the emotional side of jazz. The band of drummer Dominik Hoyer has a clear, transparent sound and exclusively plays the compositions of their bandleader. "I didn't want to compose typically percussion-like with faster-higher-further, but rather compose quieter things in which the emotions are the focus," the drummer formulated his artistic goal.Dominik Hoyer was born in Rheinfelden, Germany, near the Swiss border in 1994 and started playing his instrument at a very young age. The young Dominik then came to jazz through a drum workshop with Wolfgang Haffner, when he was thirteen or fourteen years old. "I am thrilled by the freedom and interaction between the musicians in jazz," Hoyer admitted, "but also by the entertainment on stage."
Stage language/s:
, Nonverbal
Jazz thing & Blue Rhythm
25. January 2023
12:00 - 12:20
Showcases Music
Music Music Hall